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Theme Customization

Many configuration options for the website can be found in Appearance > Customize.

Wordpress dashboard with Appearance/Customize menus highlighted.


The top of the page is configured in both “Theme Options” and “Site Identity”. In “Theme Options” you can choose whether you want a Box Header or a Text Header. See the design system documentation under “Header and Navigation” for examples and guidance on choosing.

To change the header of your site, go to Appearance > Customize as shown above. On the Customize page, go to Site Identity.

WordPress site customize menu highlighting the Site Identity menu item.

Select a header from the Header Type dropdown menu.

Screenshot of Header Type field

Click the Publish button located at the top.

Custom logos are only available for the Box Header.

On the Customize page, go to Site Identity.

WordPress site customize menu highlighting the Site Identity menu item.

Under Logo, click on the Select Logo box

An empty logo field

If the logo exists in your Media Library, you can select it there. Otherwise, click on the Upload files tab and upload your logo.

The logo file type can only be jpg, png, or svg

Wordpress media library window where you can select or upload images

Once uploaded, you will be asked to crop the logo. It is recommended that you format and crop the image before uploading. If you haven’t you may crop the logo at this step.

A pop up window with the WordPress image cropper

You will see your uploaded logo in the preview.

WordPress site customizer showing the header type field with a custom logo

Click the Publish button located at the top.

Custom logos are only available for the Box Header.

If your logo’s width is greater than the width of most mobile devices, you can upload a shorten-version of your logo.

On the Customize page, go to Site Identity.

WordPress site customize menu highlighting the Site Identity menu item.

Under Logo for mobile, click on the Select Image box

An empty field for mobile logo

If the logo exists in your Media Library, you can select it there. Otherwise, click on the Upload files tab and upload your logo.

The logo file type can only be jpg, png, or svg

Wordpress media library window where you can select or upload images

To preview your mobile logo, click on the mobile icon on the bottom of the left sidebar.

Bottom of the WordPress site customizer sidebar with the mobile preview selected.

Click the Publish button located at the top.

Your department name is also the Site Title of your site. To change this, go to Appearance > Customize as shown above.

On the Customize page, go to Site Identity.

Screenshot of Customize menu with Site Identity highlighted.

Change the Site Title.

Screenshot of Site Title field

You will see the change in the live preview.

Screenshot of header on website.


The bottom footer of the page is configured in both “Theme Options” and “Social Media”. In “Theme Options”, enter your department or program contact address, phone number, and/or email address you would like to include on your site. In “Social Media”, enter the profile page URL for each corresponding network your group is on. Only enter your own channels, the UCLA global channels are already in the global footer. If you don’t wish to include any contact info or social media channels, leave these fields blank.

If you want to include footer links, see the Footer section on the Menus page.

On the Customize page, go to Site Identity.

Screenshot of Customize menu with Site Identity highlighted.

Under the Footer Logo, click the Select Image box

An empty field for the Footer logo

If the logo exists in your Media Library, you can select it there. Otherwise, click on the Upload files tab and upload your logo.

The logo file type can only be jpg, png, or svg

Wordpress media library window where you can select or upload images

Once your footer logo is selected, scroll down on the preview window to see it.

Department Footer with a custom logo

Click the Publish button located at the top.

If your footer logo’s width is greater than the width of most mobile devices, you can upload a shorten-version of your logo.

On the Customize page, go to Site Identity.

Screenshot of Customize menu with Site Identity highlighted.

Under Footer Logo for mobile, click on the Select Image box

An empty field for the Footer logo for mobile

If the logo exists in your Media Library, you can select it there. Otherwise, click on the Upload files tab and upload your logo.

The logo file type can only be jpg, png, or svg

Wordpress media library window where you can select or upload images

To preview your mobile logo, click on the mobile icon on the bottom of the left sidebar.

Click the Publish button located at the top.

The footer can hold tertiary information such as the department’s contact information. To add or edit, go to Appearance > Customize as shown above. Then go to Theme Options.

Screenshot of Customize menu with Theme Options highlighted.

You will see the following fields:

  • Department Address
  • Department Phone Number
  • Department Contact Email
Screenshot of Footer fields.

You can link your department’s social media accounts in the footer below the contact information. To add or edit, go to Appearance > Customize as shown above. Then go to Social Media

Screenshot of Customize menu with Social Media highlighted.

You will see fields to enter the URLs of the department’s social media account. When you are done, click Publish on the top.

  • Note: You must enter the full URL. Example:
Screenshot of Social Media fields.

Connecting Google Analytics

To connect Google Analytics account, enter your Google Tag manager ID in “Theme Options. For help finding this, see Google’s Tag Manager Help.

Custom CSS

If you have CSS knowledge, you are able to add custom CSS in your WordPress site. Please refer to the WordPress CSS documentation for more information.

To add or edit CSS, go to Appearance > Customize as shown above and go to “Additional CSS”.

Screenshot of Customize menu with Additional CSS highlighted.

From there, you’ll be presented with a text editor where you can add your CSS.

Screenshot of CSS text editor.