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To add a Carousel block, click the Toggle block inserter ( + ) in the top left corner of the Gutenberg editor and select Carousel.

Screenshot of WordPress page editor add block left sidebar with Carousel highlighted.

A preview of the Carousel should appear containing two carousel slides.

Screenshot of WordPress page editor adding a Carousel block.

To add additional carousel slides, click inside the Carousel and a block inserter should appear inside.

Screenshot of adding another slide in the Carousel block.

By default, the Carousel displays three spaces for carousel slides. To add additional spaces, click Number of Items per Slide under Settings within Block Settings. This will give the option of adding up to four carousel slides.

Screenshot of carousel on page with block options on right sidebar.

To add content, simply click to type within either the heading or description. To add additional content, click inside the carousel slide and a block inserter should appear inside.

Screenshot of carousel on page with "add block" option.

By default, the Carousel displays the Basic Card. To change the variant of the card, select the card. Once selected, the Block Settings will appear where the variant and/or image can be updated.

Screenshot of carousel on page with block options on right sidebar.

If you wish to add a block within the Carousel other than a Basic or Info card, navigate to list view in the upper left corner and delete the card from the slide.

Screenshot of carousel with document overview list open

From there, a block inserter will appear within the Carousel where any block can be added.

Screenshot of carousel with add block popup